Ok, ya’ll! I did a 3 day juice cleanse and here is what happened! I am going to be honest with ya, I was skeptical about this whole thing. My husband came home over the course of a few weeks talking about this juice cleanse that he kept following along with and how he wanted to try it. Hold up, swole up… nah homeboy, remember that time you tried that body builder program to get cut when you were competing for a power lifting competition and I threatened to go stay at my parents until you finished because you were so grouchy? Yea Hulk smash, I will take one for the team, be your test dummy and try it out before you do. So here’s how it went!
Let me preface by saying that I had the genius idea to do the cleanse right after getting home from Mardi Gras in New Orleans. I indulged in lots of fresh and fried seafood and begniets. All of the things that I miss about not living in Louisiana and always let myself indulge in when we visit. I wanted to get my body somewhat on the right track before Rodeo Houston festivities started the following weekend. In hindsight, I would probably eat cleaner for several days prior to doing another cleanse.
Day 1: Pshhhh… okay, everything is in the fridge and ready to go, I’m going to starve for a few days…. What the heck did J get me into? I had a super busy day, mama could not be down… and a few hours into my first juice, BAM a miserable headache that even Advil won’t help. I must say that I never felt hungry or had the urge to cheat, but I was hella grouchy and would frequently snap and remind Josh that he would need to reconsider personally doing this regimen. He was thoughtful enough to cook supper for the boys so that I would not be tempted by food and so that I could go to bed early because I still had that headache.
Day 2: I woke up feeling fine, but within the first hour of being up, I went downhill. Sweet baby Jesus, I felt terrible. Given that it was Ash Wednesday, I accepted my penance and fast and gave it all to the man upstairs. The headache was back, I had chills, I felt flu-ish and I wanted to throw in the towel. I’m pretty sure boss baby had 10 lbs of candy and cookies just so he would sit near me and watch movies so that I could curl up under 3,000 blankets and rest when I wasn’t drinking my nutrients. I slept more throughout that day than I had in the longest time. Josh came home and I know that I took a 4 hour nap, woke up for less than 2 hours so that we could have a little family time and went straight to bed and slept straight through the night. This was by far the worst day for me.
Day 3: I woke up feeling ok. No headache and chills, but I was ready to finish the cleanse! Mama needs her energy back and has stuff to do, especially since I was useless the previous day. I was also worried that my energy would crash and I had an event that night as well as a long day on Friday! I did feel OK, I didn’t have to rely on the Cashew milk much to fill me up and had 1/4 bottle left at bedtime. And I had a date with coffee and Avocado toast as my reward in the morning and I am not doing this again…
Post cleanse opinions, I felt amazing post cleanse. I made healthier choices and I crave healthier choices. I didn’t notice much weight loss, my jeans were a little looser but I was not expecting to lose a ton. I discovered that I love ginger in food and Moscow mules, but I don’t really like it cold pressed. Five drinks plus Cashew milk is doable and I did not starve myself. I still consumed the same amount of calories per day as I do any other day. Here is the biggest kicker, Big boy was right… Yes, my husband was right! I am 3 days post cleanse and still craving healthier options. I went to the store and walked out with triple the amount of fruits and veggies that we usually consume and I am actually craving ALL. OF. IT! It may be a little pricey ($80-120) for a 3-4 day cleanse, but I actually want to do it again and take back everything that I said when I was grouchy and detoxing!
There are so many different juicing programs out there. I decided to go with a local company who delivered to my door. Click here for the link. I would suggest doing your research and staying with a local company so that you know it is super fresh and made just for you! Also, while my symptoms that I experienced are common, your journey may be totally different than mine.
Here is a photo of me on day 4 with all of the healthy cravings and the realization that it really wasn’t so bad!

Also, props to my husband for putting up with my grouchy self, cooking supper so I wouldn’t be tempted and when I didn’t feel well. I would do the same for him if he wanted to do the cleanse. Although, if he loses 10 lbs in 3 days (because, men), I may not be so sympathetic to his man-flu symptoms! HAHAHAHA! Just kidding, well maybe…
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